was born in Tortola, in the British Virgin Islands in
A European education sympathetic to his creative urge,
introduced him to many artistic techniques such as pottery,
print making, design and metal work. He complimented
his studies with a degree in Art History, specializing
in Tribal and Twentieth century art, architecture and
Travels through out the Caribbean, Europe, Russia, the
Balkans, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Australia, Southern
Africa , Morocco ,North, South and Central America have
inspired and stimulated his belief in the magic of art
as a unifying human force. Aragorn enjoys working in
all mediums, but chooses to sculpt in metal for its
permanence. Polished or patina metals, cut out silhouetted
shapes and the use of light or fire, all give form to
Aragorn’s relaxed flowing design style. His most recent
works are large out door “fire sculpture”. Spheres,
pyramids or cubes that come to life with fire.
Aragorn’s art work has been exhibited in London,( St
Martins in the Fields and Smiths gallery, Covent garden)
New York, (Cast Iron gallery ,Soho) St Barths,(Bank
of Baghdad) Antigua W.I. (Harmony Hall) and Tortola
,BVI. His work is regularly commissioned by private
collectors and public institution His other projects
include the Gli Gli Carib Canoe project, which built
a large traditional Carib canoe and sailed it from Dominica
to Guyana in 1997. The BBC recorded the journey in the
film “Quest of the Carib Canoe” He is currently working
on a new film that focuses on the recent Gli Gli Leeward
Island Expedition and the current social conditions
in the Carib territory of Dominica. See
He is also co founder of the Caribbean Artisan Network.
Aragorn’s abundant creative energy is embodied in his
studio, pottery and local art centre situated at the
heart of Trellis Bay Village, BVI. His dedication to
the cultural arts are blossoming in a centre where his
own works are displayed in amongst the works of the
top artisans of the Caribbean and where craft skills
are taught to all comers.
His busy life is blessed by the company of Federica,
his wonderful Italian wife and mother of their two boys
Ceiba and Zanti.
Click image for Full Moon Fireball
Video Clip: 1.2M QT

Aragorns joy for life has
been enhanced by his marriage to Italian born Federica
and the arrivalof their two sons Zanti and Ceiba.