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Daily reports from onboard GLI GLI

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The Caribs of the Islands by Neil Whitehead

Words of Support by Dr. Maximilian C. Forte

June 2007 - The Carib Canoe “Gli Gli” recently completed sailing with a crew of 12 Dominican Caribs from Antigua to the Virgin Islands, via Nevis and St. Kitts, St. Barths, St. Maarten/St. Martin and Anguilla, across the Anegada passage to Tortola.

The voyage was undertaken to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Gli Gli’s creation and to continue the mission of her 1997 expedition from Dominica to Guyana, by symbolically reuniting the Carib descendents of the Leeward Islands.The expedition drew attention to the role the Carib tribe have played in the regions history and culture and to promote recognition of the Caribbean’s largest surviving indigenous tribe.

Throughout the expedition, the crew presented slide and video shows about the Gli Gli Carib canoe project as well as performed their traditional music and exhibited their crafts for hundreds upon hundreds of people who turned out to greet them at each port of call. Regional schools, island heritage groups and museums participated in this unique experience.

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